Where I’ve Been & What I’ve Been Reading


Dear reader,

I hope you are well and that 2020 has been nice to you. It’s been a while since I last wrote on here and wow does it feel weird to finally be doing so again. For months now, really since I graduated in July, I have had such a lack of motivation, besides the obvious freak out of trying to find a job in publishing & London. It’s been hard. I’m overwhelmed by the fact that I don’t know what I’m doing and I still feel discouraged every time I receive a rejection. To quote William Whewell, ‘Every failure is a step to success’ but gosh does it not feel like it most days. Continue reading “Where I’ve Been & What I’ve Been Reading”

Dear Diary #1: Grad Life

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Dear Diary,

It’s officially that time of the year where the leaves are beginning to change (in some places), school is starting back up, and everyone is having to readjust their “norm”. This is my first year since the age of 3 where I’m not preparing to go back to school. I’m not buying new school clothes, packing up my belongings to head back to my university, and I’m not counting down the days until I’m back in the city that I love. It’s hard. Continue reading “Dear Diary #1: Grad Life”

June Favourites

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Hello book lovers! With June wrapping up, it’s time to share my five favorites things from this month. June has been an up and down month for me, from being busy traveling to job applications to preparing my flat to move out, it has been interesting to see what things became essentials for me. With so many things feeling out of my control lately, I took a step back to look at how my daily routines were going and what changes I wanted to make to feel better. So let’s get on to what items did exactly that for me in June! Continue reading “June Favourites”

Stop Letting Imposter Syndrome Hold You Back

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Hello book lovers! Before starting today’s post, I need to ask you a question: Have you ever stopped yourself from applying for a job because you doubted your capability?

I have, more times than I would like to admit, and I never realized there was a real term for it until hearing one of my lecturers mention it. Imposter syndrome. And I would assume you are lying to yourself if your answer was no to my question. Whether it was just one minor detail or a task you assumed you wouldn’t be good enough for, so many us of have been there. We get it. You’re not alone. So how do we overcome it? How do we stop holding ourselves back, believing we are good enough for a job that made our hearts leap when we read the announcement, and finally apply to any and every job we desire? Continue reading “Stop Letting Imposter Syndrome Hold You Back”

May Favourites​

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Hello book lovers! To celebrate today being Friday, I am coming at you with another new series I am starting on my blog – monthly favorites! On the final posting day of each month, I am sharing 5 things with you that I have been adoring. The categories will range from beauty to clothing, books to food and whatever else I discover. So to celebrate this new series, today I am bringing you my May favorites! Continue reading “May Favourites​”

5 Things to Do After Graduation Before Starting Your Career

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Hello book lovers! I am here today with your Friday post. I thought that in the midst of exploring more lifestyle-focused topics, I would write about something that I have been struggling with but know that is VERY relatable for a lot of people. That is – Being done with education (for now). As someone who finished university over two weeks ago, I am currently living in this confused state of wanting to be happy its summer break but also being smacked in the face by the fact that I am meant to have a career now and be a “proper adult”. Continue reading “5 Things to Do After Graduation Before Starting Your Career”

Summer Book Club: Jumping on the Bandwagon

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Hello book lovers! Life has been a bit crazy lately but I finally found the time to work on my blog which means me finally feeling happy with it and ready to focus on my summer posts. Hooray! As those of you who follow me on Instagram (@papercupsandpaperbacks) may already know, I have decided to run a summer book club. I got a really good response from all of you guys on Instagram when I ran a poll which showed me that this truly would be fun and a great idea to keep me on schedule with all of my accounts this summer.  Continue reading “Summer Book Club: Jumping on the Bandwagon”

2018 Bucket List: I Finally Went to the Cinema by Myself

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Hello book lovers! Guess who is finally free and on summer break! This girl! I have so much planned for this summer with this blog and my YouTube channel which makes me so happy and I am ready to take on all of my goals.

Now for those of you that follow my bookstagram, you may remember me mentioning some things on my 2018 Bucket List in January – going to the cinema by myself for the very first time was one of them. I have been trying to work out the perfect time and movie for this ever since and last Tuesday was finally the big day! (Wow, I am being dramatic about this but guys — it was a big deal to me). Continue reading “2018 Bucket List: I Finally Went to the Cinema by Myself”

(Weird) Ways I Survive the Stress of University

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Hello book lovers! Today I thought that I would do a bit of a lifestyle discussion after sharing a very stressful night of research for a paper on my Instagram and getting a number of followers requesting that I do this type of blog post. I am currently in my second year of university with my courses being fully project and paper based rather than exams. As good as that is for me, as I am not the best test taker, the short period of time that we get given or lack of guidance is more often than not absolutely overwhelming. Hence why I feel like I have now found a great system (half way through my second year) that helps me survive the chaos. I realise that obviously not all of these will work for everyone but it’s always helpful to hear other people’s tips that you have perhaps not tried before. Continue reading “(Weird) Ways I Survive the Stress of University”