June Favourites

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Hello book lovers! With June wrapping up, it’s time to share my five favorites things from this month. June has been an up and down month for me, from being busy traveling to job applications to preparing my flat to move out, it has been interesting to see what things became essentials for me. With so many things feeling out of my control lately, I took a step back to look at how my daily routines were going and what changes I wanted to make to feel better. So let’s get on to what items did exactly that for me in June!


1. Couch to 5k App. Since high school, I was always interested in running but never felt like it ‘worked’ with my body. However, with me becoming more aware of my fitness and the mental and physical awards that working out regularly provides, I decided to take on the challenge of Couch to 5k. Within this (FREE) app, you are guided through 8 weeks of running challenges that gradually get harder by each week.

The best part is that it is only 3 days a week – which not only makes it less time consuming but also gives your body a break for other activities for the other 4 days. For example, I love doing my morning yoga on the days that I don’t run. Admittedly, I failed at completing the first week within a week but it doesn’t really matter. What matters most is that I am still going and my body is definitely changing and feeling the benefits of it.



2. Glossier Cloud Paint. One of my planned blog posts for this summer is sharing my love for Glossier but seeing as this one product has been an absolute staple all month, I wanted to go ahead and share it with you. I have had this product for well over a year now and its a gift that just keeps on giving! Aka, a little product goes a long way so expect to it to last you a long time (= well worth the money). A cream blush is perfect for the summer as it’s long lasting, blends beautifully on sunscreen and light makeup, and Dusk is a gorgeous shade for any occasion. I definitely recommend you try it if you go to make your first Glossier order anytime soon.



3. The Daily Podcast. In an attempt to make my morning routines healthier and more productive, I decided to add a daily podcast into the mix. While scrolling through recommendations on the app, I came across The Daily and was automatically interested. As an American living in the UK, it can be quite easy to shut myself off from the US news, so I wanted to change that. Every morning while making my breakfast and preparing for the day ahead, I pop on an episode which usually lasts about 30 minutes. The New York Times is doing a really good job at not only keeping one-sided politics opinions out of the way but also focusing on bigger picture stuff that doesn’t get covered in social media very much.



4. Page Anchor. I got this beauty two Christmas’ ago and quickly fell in love. It helps hold your book open, whether that be hardback or paperback. This was super useful for my academic reading periods (so definitely check it out if you are a student) but I have also been using it every night while reading in bed. With the summer heat making me sprawl across my bed, I am rarely ever in an easy ‘book holding position’ which is where the Page Anchor comes in. Slide it onto your pages and VOILA your book is open and ready for you to read however you want. It is also super handy when you are in the mood to read while eating or drinking a hot beverage. This past week I have begun reading while eating breakfast and doing self-taught language lessons afterwards so this anchor has been getting a lot of use!



5. Fitbit Alta HR. I got a Fitbit this past Christmas and have found it so fascinating and useful since starting it up. The Alta HR tracks your steps and miles, calories burned, weekly exercise, sleep habits and heart rate. This then gets saved onto the Fitbit app where you can additionally add goals, manually add sleeping hours and work out sessions, as well as track your weight, food, and water intake. It’s so easy to forget about our health while being busy or forgetting to drink enough water in the summer heat so having a little band and app do the work for you is so handy and convenient.



And that’s it for my June favorites! I hope you guys enjoyed this month’s picks and found some things that pique your interest. I recommend each and every one of them and would be happy to answer any questions you may have in the comments section below! Now bring on July! Until next time. x

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