May Book of the Month

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Hello book lovers! I have decided to start a new series on my blog called “Book of the Month”. I felt this would be more interesting than a monthly wrap-up as it allows me to give my full attention to a book that I loved – and can happily ramble about for however long I want.

So to announce this month’s book… *drumroll* Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams!


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I first heard about this book via Twitter through the author and the online book community. I picked it up in Waterstones one day and started reading it without a clue as to what it was actually about (on purpose). I instantly fell in love with Candice’s writing and the beauty that was Queenie.

It contained fantastic representation for diversity, anxiety, depression and rough family relationships which are things that need to be included in more books – especially ones that make the charts, as Queenie did. I must admit I was taken aback by its size at first (though it worked out to only be 387 pages) but I devoured it in 15 days DURING my final assignments, which was quite an accomplishment. I found myself struggling to put it down every time I read it (I love when that happens) which lead to multiple late nights that were well worth it because dang that book was good! And I must applaud the publisher Trapeze (an imprint of Hachette UK) for giving Candice the platform she deserved to share the world that she created.


So what can you expect from this book, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

1. Relatability. Queenie is a young woman who is a couple of years into her “dream job”, she’s taking a “break” from a relationship and she had a rough upbringing. Just those three things in themselves are highly relatable for many – but that’s not all! There is also learning to cope with anxiety, strengthening family bonds, realizing the importance of friendships, balancing mental health with work and simply living as a black woman in 21st century Britain.

2. Emotions. Oh boy, as Queenie goes on an emotional rollercoaster, you sit right next to her. From being angry at the men in her life to getting emotional about her family issues, back to being frustrated again but at friends, you are always feeling something while reading this book – and that feeling was never boredom for me! I don’t recall ever crying but I did yell out loud quite often.

3. Rage. Oh the anger! As more plot twists occur and more is shared about Queenie’s upbringing, you can’t help but be frustrated by some of the other characters. I adored Candice’s ability to succeed with character development because it made the reading experience so much better. Whenever I got upset at a character, I could also find a way to prove that they deserved it. It also helps that though the characters are fictional, what they have going on in their lives is very realistic which adds to it all that much more because you can picture them doing everything and feeling how they do.

4. Lack of sleep. Good luck putting this book down! I bought the hardback edition (because I couldn’t make myself wait) so I am grateful I was spending so much time in my flat while I was reading it so that I didn’t have to haul it around. I found myself reading whenever possible – especially when taking much-needed breaks from my assignments – and every night before bed. Each time I thought “this would be a good place to stop”, something big would happen which resulted in reading at least one more chapter.

5. Falling in love. If you don’t love Queenie, I’ll be shocked. She is a beautiful woman that you constantly cheer for. I wanted to see her succeed and to gain self-love, to realize her potential and kick her own butt when she needed to get up and move on. Like I keep repeating, she is just such a well-written relatable character that can help readers feel less alone and represented. Thank you, Candice, for creating her.

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And that’s it, guys! I would love to make a spoiler review for this book but feel it would be best to keep it like this for now as I know how much going in (mainly) blindsided helped my reading experience. I really hope that you guys head out to your nearest bookstore now (or pick up your e-reader) and give it a try because I seriously doubt you will regret it! Until next time. x

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